Goodbye Dubai

The cheesy title of this post was just too hard to resist.  On Thursday Mark, Ian and I walked the streets of the Gold Souk area looking to shoot more street photography. I have always wanted to create a blurred pan image so I gave myself an assignment. Essentially the subject in the image stands apart from a blurred background. It's a skill to be honed with a lot of practice. I stood on a street corner for an hour just waiting for bicycles or motorcycles to move into my frame. I captured this scooter whizzing by and I love how he looked up toward me as he turned the corner. 

​My last workshop on Friday was an off camera flash class with David Hobby. I don't even own a flash and have never used one with my camera. Mark let me borrow his and David did a great job of giving the class a foundation in using flash in photography. My favorite image is of another photographer named Amir who turned out to be a great model too. 

My goal in coming to Dubai aside from enjoying the company of other like minded photographers was to stretch my photography skills and I can say without a doubt I accomplished that. 

Serious Ian

It has been an amazing week and I'm really looking forward to sharing my experience with you all in person. A very special thanks to Amy for supporting the pursuit of my passion.